THREE ROOMS of Instruction - BEGINNERS welcome!
Classes for Beginners through Advanced Dancers
Early Registration Deadline - October 9
Dancer fee - $30 (before October 9)
Each registered dancer will receive a digital syllabus. We will NOT be printing the syllabus.
Fee free to print a copy to bring with you.
Registration online after October 9 OR at the door - $35
Beginner fee $7, Spectator fee is $5 (early or at-the-door) for ages 6-100
Registration Form Flyer Register Online
8:30 - 9:00 AM Event Registration
9:00-5:00 Workshop
5:00-6:00 PM Dinner Break
6:00-7:30 PM Fun Dance
The App Stomp was a “stand in the gap” effort in the spring of 2010. It was intended to take the place of a canceled workshop and was thrown together in a mere eight weeks. It was a lot of work, a ton of fun and very well received. Fast forward to today - the App Stomp has found new life as an annual clogging workshop in the fall of the year. Join us for a day of dancing fun, because -
Some days you gotta dance!
Lunch available onsite for $8/person. Menu: TBD
Dinner available onsite for $8/person. Menu: TBD
Join us to celebrate
Veterans Day!