Featured Instructors

Jeff Driggs (WV)

Gavin Cox (TN)

Cue Sheets from prior years

THREE ROOMS of Instruction - BEGINNERS welcome!

Classes for Beginners through Advanced Dancers

Early Registration Deadline - October 9

Dancer fee - $30 (before October 9)

Each registered dancer will receive a digital syllabus. We will NOT be printing the syllabus.

Fee free to print a copy to bring with you.

Registration online after October 9 OR at the door - $35


Beginner fee $7, Spectator fee is $5 (early or at-the-door) for ages 6-100

Registration Form            Flyer            Register Online


8:30 - 9:00 AM   Event Registration

9:00-5:00          Workshop

5:00-6:00 PM    Dinner Break

6:00-7:30  PM    Fun Dance

The App Stomp was a “stand in the gap” effort in the spring of 2010. It was intended to take the place of a canceled workshop and was thrown together in a mere eight weeks. It was a lot of work, a ton of fun and very well received. Fast forward to today - the App Stomp has found new life as an annual clogging workshop in the fall of the year. Join us for a day of dancing fun, because -

Some days you gotta dance!

Lunch available onsite for $8/person. Menu: TBD

Dinner available onsite for $8/person. Menu: TBD

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Appalachian Stomp
Some days you gotta dance...
A clogging workshop brought to you by the Blue Ridge Thunder Cloggers
DATE - November  8, 2025
LOCATION - Old Stone School Hillsboro (VA)

Join us to celebrate

Veterans Day!


This project is supported in part by the Virginia Commission

for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts,

and the Purcellville Arts Council.

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