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Appalachian Stomp 2014

Song                                                     Artist                               Choreographer            Level

Catdog                                                                                            Beth Dunlap                 Easy

Christmas Time's A Coming                                                      Sam & Melody Gill      Easy

Cool Cat In Town                            Tape Five                         Kathy Moore                Easy

Counting Stars                                One Republic                  Missy Shinoski             Int.+

Dance Above the Rainbow                                                       BRTC                             Easy

Heart Wrenching Memory             Rhonda Vincent              Kathy Moore               Int.

It’s Thanksgiving                              Nicole Westbrook          Mary Smith                    Int.

Kinda Dig  the Feeling                   The Railers                       Melissa Pack                 Int.

Lets Get Back to Me & You        Alan Jackson                   Jayne Treadwell          Int.

MMM…Yeah                                    Austin Mahone               Missy Shinoski             Easy+

Old Time Rock & Roll                                                                Ashley Shaw                 Easy      

Overcomer                                         Mandissa                         Joyce Guthrie               Easy

Rescue Me                                        Fontella Bass                  Mary Smith                    Easy

Sleigh Ride                                        N’ville Superpickers     Missy Shinoski              Int.

Slow Down                                        Selena Gomez                Missy Shinoski              Int.

Straight From the Factory           Clint Black                      Melissa Pack                  Int.

Sweet Dreams                                   Eurythmics                    Joyce Guthrie               Int.+

That's My Kind of Night                Luke Bryan                    Missy Shinoski             Adv.

Time For Me to Fly                         Dolly Parton                  Melissa Pack                 Int.

Women Love to Slow Dance        Steve Martin                  Missy Shinoski             Easy+

Won't Turn Back                                                                        Olivia Koleszar             Easy

2014 Syllabus

Appalachian Stomp
2014 Cue Sheets